1. How to try cloud storage?
Each device is entitled to one chance of a 3-month 7-day loop cloud storage service and you can activate the trial through the following steps:Press “Setting” on the top right corner , find the icon for cloud storage, click it to enter the cloud storage interface,and activate the cloud storage, the trial shall then start (The default trial package is a 7-day, 3-month trial period).
A tip: one device is only entitled to one trial.
2. How to purchase cloud storage?
Press “Setting” on the top right corner and find the icon for cloud storage.
Currently using cloud storage: press the purchase icon at the top right corner of the cloud video viewing interface, enter the page for “cloud storage purchase”, press”Renewal”, enter the page for “select a cloud storage package”, pick a package and make the payment, the cloud service will be activated then.
(1)Refund and return are not available after the purchase has been made for the cloud storage service;
(2)Cloud storage service is tied to the activation and purchase practice on a single device, meaning that multiple cloud storage services shall be purchased to support multiple devices.
3. Renewal
Should your previous package expire, you can choose to purchase a new one, which will be effective immediately after purchase.
If your current package is still valid, and you purchase an identical package, then the new validity shall be a combination between the reminder of the current package validity and the validity that comes with the new package.
If your current package is still valid, and you purchase a different package, then validity and service of the new package will be activated only after the current validity has expired .
4. Can the cloud storage validity period be suspended?
No. The countdown of expiration of the cloud storage service starts since the day of activation, with no pauses allowed. For instance, after purchasing the service, the fact of deleting the device or ceasing the upload will not affect the expiration date. A one month service package will expire in 30 days no matter any operations in this period of time.
5. Validity of cloud storage function
Cloud storage function is effective immediate since the day of purchase, meaning \”from the moment of purchase to the same moment in one month/year\”. For instance: if a 7-day one month cloud storage package is purchased at 00:00 of Jan 1,2018, then it is valid for one calendar month (valid from 00:00 of Jan 1, 2018 to 00:00 of Feb 1, 2018).
If a 7-day one year package is purchased on Jan 1, 2018, then it is valid for a calendar year, from 00:00 of Jan 1, 2018 to 00:00 of Jan 1, 2019.